Making it in Textiles 2016 : Industry spaces available

IMG_0071Conference: Making It In Textiles 2016.

Whilst the event is mainly aimed at the directly invited 130 students and tutors from the UK’s leading institutions, a handful of paid-for places are available for those in the industry. Previous years’ delegates who attended found it very informative and a unique networking opportunity. The event is being organised by three City Livery Companies and the Campaign for Wool.

This event is aimed at inspiring final-year textiles students to consider a career in the textile industry, especially beyond pure design roles.

It is designed to strengthen the link between education and the textile industry and to make relevant what is taught on degree courses as well as introducing students to prospective employers.

The conference has a number of fantastic expert industry speakers talking about the weave process from beginning to end, including:

Juliet Bailey: Co-Director, Dash + Miller
Richard Humphries: Director, Humphries Weaving
Gary Eastwood: Managing Director, Pennine Weavers
Paul Johnson: Managing Director, W.T. Johnson & Sons
Emma Sewell: Co – Director, Wallace Sewell

Tickets are offered on a conference only or conference and dinner basis. Accommodation is not included and needs to be paid for and booked by the delegate.

To find out more and to book a ticket please visit:

Or contact if you have any queries.

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