Holly Pressdee, the founder of Check Me Out graduated from Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2009 with a degree in woven textiles, and has been working within the British textiles industry for the last 7 years with the brand Dashing Tweeds.
During her degree her main area of research was emotionally durable design and the meanings of patterns culturally, where she was inspired by the heritage and meaning of tartan fabrics.
After finishing her degree, she started a blog where she would design bespoke check patterns by taking photos of her friends and family, abstracting the colours of their skin, hair, eyes and what they were wearing and use these colours within the designs to create their unique check patterns.
This lead to the creation of her company where she wanted to create check patterns a wider audience could connect with and began by designing the London check, using the colours of the London underground tube map. The map is such an  iconic image for londoners and tourists, everyone has associations with the tube lines they use.

For this Autumn/Winter, Holly has recently launched a Kickstarter campaign, testing out her new designs as she is adding blankets to her range. She chose to crowd fund this collection to help test the market and build up more of an international following.
 To find out more about the work she does, check out her latest project - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/78892017/check-patterns-with-meaning
Focusing on producing the collections in the UK, all her designs are woven in the Scottish borders with the commission weaver Drove. Robbie Trussler and his brilliant team have been working closely with Holly to bring these designs to life for the final collection this winter.
Text & images: Check Me Out
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