If you are interested in applying jointly with the Warner Textile Archive please contact info@warnertextilearchive.co.uk with the details of your current course and what you hope to gain from the internship.
Applications will be made by the curator of The Warner Textile Archive who will supervise the volunteer, within the following Award criteria:
1. The volunteer should be a student (minimum 2nd year) or graduate of an appropriate UK university course, such as dress/fashion history, museum studies, textile & fashion design, theatre costume design, history, social history, art history.
2. The award will be paid to the volunteer in two instalments. The first payment will be made two weeks after the start of the project, upon notification from the supervisor that the work is progressing as planned. The second payment will be made one month later, upon receipt of a progress report from the supervisor.
3. The application deadline is 30 April with the expectation that the work will be carried out sometime during the following summer between June and September. However, the project can be carried out at any time of the year so long as the grant is used within 12 months of being awarded. Notification of the winner will be on 31 May or before.
4. The supervising curator and the volunteer shall each submit a report of between 250 and 500 words when the work is completed and these may be included in the Society’s publications if appropriate.
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