Tactile Tectonics – Weaving Nature in 3 dimensions
Stacey Harvey-Brown
7th April – 12th May 2018
Wed – Sat 10-4pm (May 6th 11-4)
Tactile Tectonics – informed by geology, erosion and the sea, tubular woven Growth Forms and undulating Strata Walls explore an evolving world of dimensionality and tactility in textural weaving by Stacey Harvey-Brown. Metamorphosis from rock to coral to medusa, all is possible with imagination, natural and manmade materials and versatile weave structures.
Stacey Harvey-Brown draws from natural forms found wherever she has travelled (New Zealand, Europe, US, South America). Limestone cliffs, stalactites, strata layers were the initial inspiration behind Tactile Tectonics and developed during her Masters degree (University of Derby, 2011-14), but audience interpretation from joint exhibitions in New Zealand, North-West US (2014), Switzerland (2015), and Holland (2016) has led her recently to explore similar albeit living formations found in the sea – medusa, nudibranches, flatworms, seaweeds, corals – and develop some wearable pieces. Made to be touched, this is a tactile exhibition.
Having lived in the Staffordshire Moorlands for over 25 years, this is Staceys’ first solo exhibition, shown at Foxlowe’s Art Gallery, Leek. Artist. Stacey is author of two weaving books and teacher for 12 years, recently moving to South West France where she continues to write, teach and exhibit. Weaving, although highly structured, also allows for creativity, and Stacey’s goal is to continue to create installations that engage with people and nature in different ways, blurring boundaries and opening up new ways of communicating through weave.
Text & images: with thanks to Stacey Harvey-Brown
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