Awards : Cockpit Arts | Weavers

Cockpit Arts has two Awards open for application for talented makers to join the Cockpit Arts community in September 2020. Each of these Awards will provide a subsidised or free space to a Maker, and this round has two spaces on an open discipline Award.

The Cockpit Arts / The Clothworkers’ Company Awards

This Award aims to assist three graduate weavers to set up in business. Weavers can be working in any form: for example, creating products, visual art, working with mills and making samples for industry.

The Award comprises one year’s business support and subsidised studio space at Cockpit Arts Deptford, including space in a shared studio equipped with Leclerc, Louet, ARM looms and a dye area, thanks to The Clothworkers’ Company. The Award is for one year with further financial support for up to two years on a sliding scale, by selection.

  • Deadline for applications: 5pm, Friday 31 July 2020

The Cockpit Arts / Newby Trust Craft Excellence Awards

This Award aims to support two makers to practice their craft at a key stage in their skill development and support their craft business to achieve financial sustainability. The Newby Trust Craft Excellence Award offers two makers each year a rare and valued opportunity to develop their craft skill and excellence in any discipline, nurturing both ability and talent.

The Award comprises one year’s business support and subsidised studio space at Cockpit Arts.

  • Deadline for applications: 5pm, Friday 31 July 2020

Further details and application forms are available to download from their website –, or please contact for further information or to express an interest.

Text: Cockpit Arts. Image Poppy Fuller – Abbot

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