Exhibition: A Field of Cloths

Ikat_5 for web thumbnail The London Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers is holding a textile exhibition: A Field of Cloths – An exhibition of handspun & handwoven textiles inspired by Africa, China and India at St Martin-in the Fields, London

Inspired by the commitment of the church to its outreach work in the wider community and its worldwide connections the Guild’s exhibition reflects the designs, techniques, colours and fabrics of China, Africa, India, and Asia. Each piece will be accompanied by an explanation of the original inspiration; such as yarns, i.e. silk, bamboo, camel, the vibrant colours of Africa and India and dyes from around the world.

The exhibition is being held in The Gallery in the Crypt of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Dates: 20th August -15th September 2013
Free admission – open daily 11.am-6pm.
There will be handmade items for sale.

Guild information.
The London Guild was founded in 1950 and has around 150 active members. They share an interest in hand spinning, hand weaving, dyeing, design, and textiles in general, and membership is open to anyone interested in these crafts. The members are active in producing textiles, both for personal use and commercially, and they also provide training programmes and support others in the understanding and practice of their crafts. As part of the aim of the Guild to promote awareness of and education in these crafts, they hold a biennial exhibition of members work which this year is at St Martin-in-the-Fields. Guild members give demonstrations of weaving and spinning at events such as the recent Silk Day in Spitalfields celebrating the history of the Huguenots in London.
The London Guild is affiliated to the Association of Guilds of Weavers Spinners and Dyers, and meets on the second Saturday of each month at St Stephen’s House, 48 Emperor’s Gate, London, SW7. Meetings usually have an external speaker, such as a practitioner, designer, textile collector. They hold training workshops and organise special visits for example to the V&A Textile Collection. They also produce a quarterly publication ‘Warp & Weft’ which covers Guild activities, textile related articles, and information relevant to our crafts (e.g. exhibitions, publications etc.) for all members.
For further information contact janerutt @hotmail.com
StillLifeIkat_1_crop 2aWeaving: Claude Delmas.
Photography: Myka Baum

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