Bhakti Ziek, co-author of The Woven Pixel: Designing for Jacquard and Dobby Looms Using Photoshop©*, will conduct a six day masterclass in Scotland on multi-weft weave structures using the colourbothy studio Thread Controller 1 (TC1). This class will be limited in size so structures can be studied in depth and everyone will have time weaving on the TC1.
While jacquard weavings can exhibit imagery and great detail using one warp and one weft, such as traditional damasks, using multiple wefts and/or multiple warp systems allows a visual appearance of many colors across one horizontal line of the cloth. Ziek will take students through a study of taqueté and samitum (both weft-faced structures), lampas, weft-backed structures, and double cloth (using more than two wefts).
Students can work with one image developed in all these structures, allowing a great comparison of visual nuances, or use different images for each structure. Or they can choose to focus on just some of the structures that are most relevant to their own needs. The class is small so personal attention will be paid to the individual and their needs.
In the middle of the week there will be a rest day when the class can explore locally, go on an excursion, or work quietly and recharge for the remaining days. This is a rare chance to work in-depth with fellow students and a teacher at a level beyond the basics. She will teach the “woven pixel†methods detailed in her book using Photoshop CS5 or Photoshop Elements 10 as software programs. Students will need to bring their own laptop computers loaded with either Photoshop (any version of CS will work) or Elements (10 or higher). Yarn will be provided but students should bring specific weft yarn if relevant to their needs.
Ziek will bring samples of fabric and present two powerpoint presentations during this workshop.
* Free download of The Woven Pixel is available. Take the opportunity to read Ziek’s bio and her blog, and enjoy some of her weavings on Picasa.
Fee: £660.00, includes materials, refreshments and a light lunch on the 6 days of teaching. This non residential masterclass in design for jacquard is for experienced weavers. Require accommodation?
To book one of the six places, please call 01330 844409, or use the contact form.
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