Looms and weave accessories suppliers
All suppliers are currently used by or have been recommended to us, but we cannot personally guarantee quality of service.
Name |
Products |
Ashford Looms (If you prefer to deal in UK) (If not, Ashford can send direct from New Zealand) Scottish Fibres 23 Damhead Lothianburn Edinburgh EH10 7EA Tel: 0131 445 3899 Fax: 0131 445 3899 Email:enquiries@scottishfibres.co.uk www.scottishfibres.co.uk |
Ashford looms, spinning wheels etc retail supplier and Louet loom dealership |
AVL Looms Pam Stoesser, Sales and Market Development: pstoesser@avlusa.com www.avlusa.com |
Shaft and jacquard studio looms |
Dales Looms Boroughbridge North Yorkshire. YO51 9JE Tel: 01423 322 626 (please be prepared to leave a message or send an email)Email address on the contacts page of the website www.hkab.co.uk  (for reasons of internet security) |
Dale Looms provide:
Peg Loom manufacturers and retail / mail order suppliers. Specialising in Yorkshire and other English hardwoods. Standard size, stable, broad base looms from 300-1200mm. Special looms made to order |
George Weil Group www.georgeweil.com |
Looms, loom advice, weave tools, yarns, dyes, fabric |
Handloom Holding Ltd, Weavers House, Hydewood Road, Little Yeldham, Halstead Essex CO9 4QX For more details contact sales@handloomholdings.com https://www.handloomholdings.com/ |
Manufacturers of the New Generation  ARM ‘TOUCH 60’ loom
Hand Loom Holdings Ltd: Suppliers of service, maintenance and replacement parts for ARM Looms including repairs/upgrades for obsolete electronic control systems. Maintenance/Service available on existing ARM LOOMS throughout the UK and Europe Expert consultancy covering all aspects of textile manufacture and machinery. |
The Handweavers Studio & Gallery Ltd 140 Seven Sisters Road; London; N7 7NS Tel : 020 7272 1891 Fax : 020 7272 4649 www.handweavers.co.uk |
Looms (hand/floor/ rigid heddle/inkle) and weave accessories,yarn |
The Handweaving Company | Peg looms, weaving sticks, threaders, corkwork bobbins, spare pegs |
Hand Spinner Sheila Dixon T: 01530413991www.handspinner.co.uk |
Ashford looms and accessories Free postage depending on items. Very fast in replying and despatch. |
Harris Looms Emmerich (Berlon) Ltd Wotton Road Ashford Kent TN23 6JY Tel: 0044 1233 622684 Fax: 0044 1233 645801 Email: harrislooms@emir.co.uk Web: www.emir.co.uk |
Table shaft looms, NC floor looms, CAD/CAM systems and weave accessories |
Frank Herring & Sons 27 High West Street Dorchester Dorset, DT1 1UPTel: +44(0)1305 264449 / 267917 Fax: +44(0)1305 250675www.frankherringandsons.com |
Leclerc and Ashford looms and accessories; dyes, spinning wheels, books, yarns, shuttles. |
Forest Fibres Ros Flook Unit G1, Building 13/2 Vantage Point Business Village Mitcheldean GL17 0DD01594 546118 forestfibres@btopenworld.comwww.forestfibres.co.uk |
Weave accessories, dyes, yarns, scissors, tools for felting and spinning, books, etc |
Lecler Email: info@leclerclooms.comwww.leclerclooms.com |
Shaft looms, electric bobbin winding equipment. Videos demonstrating all their equipment |
The Loom Exchange www.theloomexchange.co.uk |
Second hand spinning , weaving equipment, looms and textile books |
Louet www.louet.nl |
Table/floor looms including the Megado, can be either mechanical or electronic. Weaving accessories, Also spinning, carding, combing and felting acvice/equipment |
Lund Precision Reeds Ryefield Works Highgate Road Queensbury, Bradford West Yorkshire BD13 1DSTel.: + 44 (0)1274 818390 Fax.: + 44 (0)1274 818286 www.weavingreeds.comMartin Owen – Technical and Production Manager martin@weavingreeds.com |
Reed and raddle maker. Bespoke and off the shelf. |
Greg Meyer Looms and Accessories www.greg-meyer.com loom@greg-meyer.com |
Table top looms and accessories |
Mirrix Tapestry & Bead Looms
Tapestry & bead looms, portable, metal looms |
Don Porrit Looms The Studio, Leathley Road, Menston, Ilkley, W. Yorks. LS29 6DP T: 01943 878 329 F: 01943 884141 E Email: donporritt@yahoo.co.uk |
Weaving accessories: reeds, raddles, warping boards and mills, etc. VAT free. |
P & M Woolcraft | Manufacturers and suppliers of hand spinning equipment and weaving looms since 1981 |
TC2 Jacquard Studio Jacquard Loom www.digitalweaving.no Tel +4732161862 Contact Vibeke Vesby |
Studio jacquard looms To see the new TC2 developments see www.dwn-tc2.blogspot.com |
Textile Components
Contact John White: info@inchlines |
George Wood dobby loom pegs (for lags). Please contact the company if you need any or just want to alert the company you may be needing some, as manufacturing may stop in the next few years. |
The Threshing Barn
Janet Phillips
The Threshing Barn
Unit 3, Mill 2, Farfield Mill Garsdale Road Sedbergh Cumbria LA10 5LW +44 (0)15396 20474 +44 (0)7791 635536
supplier of small frames ,looms ,table and floor looms,ball winders and swifts from Ashford, Louet, Glimakra and Strauch |
Twist Fibre Craft Studio 88 High Street Newburgh Cupar Fife KY14 6AQTel: +44(0)1337 842843 Fax: +44(0)1337 842506 www.twistfibrecraft.co.uk enquiries@twistfibrecraft.co.uk |
Looms, fibre |
Michael Williams T: 0114 2721039www.michael-williams-wood.co.ukwood@sewilliams.me.uk |
Wood Turner – Fine Woodworker Good quality, hand-made wooden articles for textile crafts made to order: tapestry frames as well as warping boards or posts, boat shuttles, etc. |
Weaversbazaar | They supply yarns and products through their online store . They also offer a range of services including an affordable, custom yarn dyeing service, illustrated talks, workshops and a Pop-Up Shop |
Wingham Wool Work | Spinning and other equipment |
Welsh Weaving (website trading as Wonky Weaver),
Wales, UK, SA20 0EP
Website: www.wonkyweaver.com
UK and European Distributor of Harrisville Designs Maple Hardwood Floor Looms.
Harrisville Designs Shetland & Highland Wool Yarns.
Harrisville Designs Friendly Loom – tapestry looms, lap looms, peg looms, rigid heddle looms, and a range of crafting kits.
Wide range of novelty and luxury cotton, silk and wool yarns.
Wide range of table looms & weaving accessories.
Natural Plant Dyes and Indigo Dye Products.
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