Handweavers diploma exhibition 2017 is showcasing the final project work of the 2015-2017 diploma students
Following a long tradition of nurturing weavers, in 2011 under the directorship of Wendy Morris, the Handweavers Studio & Gallery launched a two-year Diploma course in handweaving.
Since the Diploma’s inception, the handweavers studio has been delighted to provide an excellent grounding in the craft skill for a series of enthusiastic students wishing to take their handweaving to another level. The Diploma, running biennially with a limited intake, focuses on developing good weaving skills and the ability to produce well designed desirable handwoven items for a variety of outcomes.This year’s graduating group has produced an exceptionally diverse range of projects – You are  invited  to view, and be inspired by their work.
Date: 5 – 28 June 2017
Times: 10am – 6pm monday – saturday
Address: 140 Seven Sisters Road, London. N7 7NS
Tel: 020 7272 1891
The exhibition can be viewed during Handweavers normal opening hours
Text & images: with thanks to Handweavers Studio & Gallery
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