Ismini Samanidou’s solo show Topography: recording place – mapping surface is on at the Crafts Study Center for two more weeks until the 6th of October 2012
Ismini will be at the show this Saturday 29th of September, and on the 6th of September from 12-4 and if you would like to visit the show she will be pleased to show you round the exhibition
The exhibition brings together work that investigates surface, stories and place through woven textiles and ranges handwoven textile studies, jacquard woven wall pieces and a range of collaborative works with Gary Allson and Sharon Blakey.
The show also displays the beginnings of a recent body of work on cloud studies, showing the process and thinking behind the work including photographs and sketches.
The show has had a very good response already, attached you can read a Crafts Magazine feature about the work by Nicole Swengley. The show catelogue is available to buy at the Crafts Study Center.
The show will tour in the US in 2013:
Initially at the Center for Craft Creativity and Design at North Carolina between January and March, and then at the Weber Center at Utah from March to April 2013.
The Crafts Study Center is in Farnham, Surrey, in England, a direct 50 minute train journey from London Waterloo.
Crafts Study Centre
Crafts Study Centre
University for the Creative Arts
Falkner Road
Farnham, Surrey GU9 7DS
T +44 (0)1252 891450
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