Exhibition: Stacey Harvey – Brown & Agnes Hauptli

2014-01-09 15.32.37UK weaver, Stacey Harvey-Brown and Agnes Hauptli, from New Zealand are exhibiting their responses to geological forms and natural landscapes in ‘Nature in The Making’.  The exhibition of stalactites, canyons and caverns, showcasing some highly unusual three-dimensional weaving and  visual images, will be at the Earth House, Peria New Zealand from 8th to 18th March 2014, before moving on to Arts in Oxford, just north of Christchurch, from 12th April to 7th May.

After its New Zealand leg, ‘Nature in the Making’ will go to the USA, to the B2 Fine Art Gallery in Tacoma, Washington before going on to other venues in the USA and Europe.

Since 2010, the two weavers have met in the US every two years to visit some of the geological features surrounding their biennial weaving conference locations. This exhibition was inspired by trips to the Grand Canyon and Antelope Canyons in Arizona, and the cave systems under the Blue Ridge and Shenandoah Mountain ranges in Virginia. Agnes Hauptli uses a computer-assisted jacquard loom to create large visually engaging colour panels  and Stacey Harvey-Brown uses a shaft loom to create highly textured three-dimensional Growth Forms installations and large off-the-wall Strata Wall pieces.
2014-01-09 15.38.16 This is the first time Stacey  has visited New Zealand and she hopes that her two-month teaching and lecturing visit will inspire further joint exhibitions with Agnes Hauptli. “Agnes and I like to challenge what weaving can do and how people perceive it and we both love geology, so using weave to express nature seemed a natural way to go”, she explains. Timed to coincide with the Professional Weavers’ Network of NZ annual conference at which Harvey-Brown is keynote speaker and the Creative Fibres Festival in Dunedin in late April, as well as the Complex Weavers Seminars series in Tacoma in June, it is hoped the exhibition will attract new audiences to woven textiles.

Contact Details:
Stacey Harvey-Brown www.theloomroom.co.uk e: stacey@theloomroom.co.uk
Social media: www.facebook.com/natureinthemaking (the background to the work and images)
www.facebook.com/TheLoomRoom2014-01-09 15.35.20
Front cover original before editing

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